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Meeting Reminder April 3rd 2020

by Acetolyne published Mar 31, 2020 05:20 PM, last modified Mar 31, 2020 05:17 PM
Meeting reminder for Friday April 3rd 2020

Join us for the next meeting on Friday April 3rd, While the meeting location is closed due to the current Corona virus, we will still be holding a virtual meeting. This will be our first virtual meeting so we are hoping to still be able to get some good interactions. I am trying to organize some fun remote activities for us so we can still collaberate on a project together. If you have any suggestions on activities please feel free to bring them to the table so we can all benefit from the meeting. We will be meeting on our Discord channel at 5 P.M. to discuss our course of action and do our typical open discussions. Discord information can be found in our "Get connected" section on our website